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General feedback for InqScribe

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3 results found

  1. Have customizable timecodes so that changes to code can be made within a transcript

    This would allow timecodes to be changed within a transcript for Video Rushes which were filmed using TOD (time of day) with camera breaks causing breaks in the timecode.

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    0 comments  ·  time code  ·  Admin →
    completed  ·  Alex Underwood responded

    Thanks for writing the request. We actually have 2 ways for users to adjust time codes. You can adjust the overall start time of a transcript, or adjust a set of specified time codes. More in our User Guide here:

    Discontinuous timecodes are a tricky subject, which we try to address in the following article:

    With that said, if you are interested in discontinuous timecode support, feel free to vote for them here:

  2. add a negative time offset to timestamps

    When tapping out a piece of media with the insert timecode shortcut, it would be really helpful if you could do a negative offset on that timecode stamp, i.e. - i hit the shortcut at 1h0m10s0f, and my offset option is -6, so the stamp inserted would be 1h0m4s0f.

    Many times when working with timecode, you want the program to set you up so that you can give yourself a second or two to get your timing right, rather then the TC mark being right on the event, which make you have to edit the TC stamp, or rewind quite…

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    completed  ·  2 comments  ·  time code  ·  Admin →
  3. Adjust timecodes directly in the transcript window

    To add or subtract a few frames or seconds from a timecode is too slow of a process with the Adjust Timecode menu item. Direct editing of timecodes is needed. (By the way, "Adjust selection only" should be checked by default, since that's far more common than changing all timecodes by the same amount)

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    4 comments  ·  time code  ·  Admin →
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General feedback for InqScribe


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