Adjust timecodes directly in the transcript window
To add or subtract a few frames or seconds from a timecode is too slow of a process with the Adjust Timecode menu item. Direct editing of timecodes is needed. (By the way, "Adjust selection only" should be checked by default, since that's far more common than changing all timecodes by the same amount)
Already possible.
Ted Maynard commented
I just saw your response, thank you. I wish I had asked earlier!!
Ted Maynard commented
Please tell me how? Once the timecodes appear in blue, I have not found any way to highlight and change them. They appear un-editable, other than updating them by moving to a different point in the movie and Inserting time again. I would like to be able to highlight 1 number in the timecode as if it were text, and change it. How is that done?
AdminMatt Brown (Admin, InqScribe) commented
Also, it's worth noting that there are several time code field shortcuts that you can use to select time codes-- this provides another way to select time codes (other keyboard arrow keys) that you might not have been aware of.
AdminMatt Brown (Admin, InqScribe) commented
It is already possible to manually edit time codes in the transcript window by using the arrow keys to move your cursor to the time code and editing. Note that you can't use your mouse to locate the cursor in this case, because mouse-clicking on a time code takes you to that time in your video. But navigating your cursor with the keyboard works fine for this.