Create an iPad version.
As a lingstic anthropologist I take my iPad into the field to take fieldnotes, use it as a recording device, etc. Then on the way I home, I would like to start working on the transcripts, but I can't because there isn't an inqscribe ap yet. All I really need is a way start and stop with ease while transcribing and add time codes. Then I need to upload the transcript on my desktop inqscribe program in order to make my files subtitled there. Considering that most of the linguistic anthropologists I saw at the American Anthropological Association conference this past week had iPads, I am most likely not the only person who has this need.
Thanks for the suggestion. Is anyone out there still interested in an iPad app? If so, cast a vote, and tell us about your workflow in the comments!
Luiza commented
I would love an iPad version. Is it still a possibilty?
MD commented
An Ipad version would be SO KEY to be able to work...How is this not already a thing?? Laptops and desktop computers are not always the best to be working on, to be able to use Inqscribe on an Ipad as well would create more opportunities to work in another manner, making things more efficient and adaptable to situations where you can bounce between all three (desktop/laptop/tablet). PLEASE CRANK THIS VERSION OUT! PLEASE???
Christine commented
... Any updates on Inqscribe version for iPad?? Kind of makes me nervous/feeling bit sad & let down when this still hasn't happened yet and it's now 2021.... TEN YEARS LATER golly! (There's a lot of us out here left hanging who would LOVE an ipad version!)
This would be SUPER HELPFUL. Especially if you can work on a document between the iPad or desktop/laptop version of Inqscribe. The workflow and ability to switch between all go-to devices on to go would be great.
kim commented
I know this is an old post but, any updates on inqscribe version for iPad? Thank you.
Sayre Ambrosio commented
I know that this is an old thread, but I would love an iPad version to work while on the go. Especially if the desktop and iPad app played well with each other. I keep all my IS files in iCloud so they sync between devices. I can start one on my iMac and finish it up on my laptop if needed. Having an iPad play into that workflow would be amazing.
Sebastian Blanco commented
It's been years since this topic first came up, but I, too, would appreciate a version of Inqscribe for iPad. In fact, Inqscribe (or a similar app, which I can't believe doesn't exist) is the last work flow item that I need to pretty much do all of my work on an iPad Pro instead of a laptop. I use AudioNote to record talks and get some of the quotes, then export audio into Inqscribe to fine-tune. Right now, that still requires a laptop, but I wish it didn't.
Aliska commented
I'm definitely still interested. I watch videos on the subway, and would like to take notes on the video as I watch. Picture in Picture allows a clunky way to do this, but then I can't use timestamps.
Thanks for all the details folks! It's really helpful for us as we figure out what kind of use models we need to support.
Jack commented
My own response to Ben's questions to Sable...
1. Yes, I type fieldnotes on my iPad Pro. And basic analysis codes would be just fine (I try to keep my coding very simple to begin with).
2. I record both audio and video with my iPad and/or iPhone, but mainly video using the iPhone or iPad's native camera app.
I also record my Skype calls (several each week) as audio-only. Sometimes I use Audio Hijack app (if doing call on my Mac) or, if recording audio on my iPhone or iPad (when call is on the other mobile device) I use AudioNote app or Notability app. Here too an iPad version of InqScribe would be much appreciated. -
Jack commented
I use an iPad Pro for most of my computing. I would very much appreciate an iOS version of InqScribe!
missmh2k commented
Another +1 for iPad version. Ditto in re: heavy laptop vs. light iPad mini w/ bluetooth keyboard, especially when out on assignment. Thanks for considering this!
mjscox commented
Basically, just lazy, would rather not lug around laptop when I have the iPad. I can use the app on the laptop so I'll just have to do that for now. But the iPad version would be great.
Alex commented
+1 for an iPad version. We use Inqscribe extensively for breaking down music into lighting cues, and use it during programming to jump to particular sections of music. Being able to have the ipad actually on the console and being able to see any reference videos etc would make life a lot easier than having to refer back to a laptop constantly.
A playback only version would be pretty useful as an interim solution.
Laura Willcox commented
I am very very interested in an iPad version!! My laptop is heavy and my iPad is not. I have some transcription software for my iPad but it sucks so I never use it.
Deb Erickson commented
Ditto! inqScribe for ipad is a wonderful idea.
Hi Sable,
We've been talking about this idea for while now.
A few questions about your workflow:
1. Do you type your fieldnotes on the iPad? Or would you prefer basic analysis codes that can be entered with a button click?
2. How are you doing your recording? Are you recording video or just audio? Which app are you using to do the recording?
Thanks for the suggestion. This is definitely on our radar.