auto scroll in program (not just export)
I work in concert lighting and just started using Inqscribe to track how we cue our songs. I'll have music with timecode embedded, play it back, and then insert timecode stamps at the different parts of the song where I need something to happen (verse 1, guitar player xright, etc...). It would be really useful to have inqscribe auto scroll your transcript section on the right so that as a song is playing, I can look over and see my notes for that particular part of a song, and not have to scroll to the particular part of the page as I'm listening. Since we frequently repeat events like verse's, in a five minute song, I may be at verse 2, when my page is still scrolled to verse 1 and it would make it a lot easier to navigate a song if I could just look over and see "hey, there I am".
it could be an easy on/off feature, maybe a check mark on the file window or an option under edit called "auto scroll transcript window" or something equivalent.
Thanks so much for a great product and for your consideration!
jason baeri commented
Hi Eric,
any more thought given to this feature? It would still be extremely useful to me and all the people I keep talking into using InqScribe.
jason baeri commented
Hi Eric,
I'm aware of the cmd-k function and it does work well, but most of the time I'm hitting play in inq, and then working on the machine next to me to enter all my lighting data in time. Sometime during a 5min song, I'll go through 5 pages of notes and it's difficult to watch my work in front of me and try to see exactly where I'm at in my notes. The "Follow Me" feature would still be a great one for me.
I understand the potential to become confusing but with all due respect, I believe your users are capable of understanding the mode. Even something as simple as a red/green dot up in the yellow title area labeled "AUTO" that you could toggle on/off or at least see blinking would be enough of an indicator.
Thank you kindly for your consideration and hopefully we will see a feature like this soon.
AdminEric Baumgartner (Admin, InqScribe) commented
There is a menu item that does this: Transcript > Sync Transcript with Current Time. You can use the shortcut (cmd-K on Mac, ctrl-K on Windows) as often as you like to ensure that visible transcript matches the current time in your media.
(Note: this only works as long as time codes in your transcript are in chronological order. If they're not, where you end up is a crap shoot.)
We played with making an automatic mode for this (we called it "Follow Me" or something like that) but we decided it didn't work, because it wasn't obvious which mode you were in and the consequence of scrolling the transcript out from under you while you were editing was too high.
But I think the manual menu item will take care of most of your needs. Give it a try.