Save subtitle settings
It would be helpful if you could save and load your subtitled settings instead of having to re-input them every time. Especially great when subtitling hundreds of MOV's with the same width/height!
Scott Squire commented
This seems like a natural--a simple 'save template as default' checkbox would be great. Up the road, maybe there could be the option to have several templates stored that can be selected from inside the Export dialog.
Christina commented
I think this is a great idea. Not only do I have to keep inputting settings but I have to keep searching for the folder to save it in.
tjeu geelen commented
To me this would be a big winner!! It takes a lot of time to get the right settings to match the look and positions of lower thirds and the position of and style of the subtitles. If only I could save and select it once with a speciic name, and then have the same setting for all of the movies in the same format e.g. 1280 x 720p
level.five commented
also the project presets 25 or 30fps